Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Individual Update - Week 12

I continued to work on the program for our game during Week 12. I converted the codes from procedural programming to object oriented programming (OOP). Using the procedural programming method to code means I only have one actionscript file to put all my codes in it. This will cause my codes to be messy and confusing in the future as I continue to add codes. By using OOP, I split relevant codes into other classes which will be more efficient for larger projects like our's. I also successfully make the "camera" or stage track and move according to where the player is.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Individual Update - Week 02

For week 2, we pooled our ideas and put them together into a PowerPoint slide for the presentation of our ideas. I filled in the description and features of my ideas I had thought of from last week. We have yet to come up with a team name, so I went to do some research. I suggested our name to be Hestia Production. Hestia is the Goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state. I suggested as I thought Hestia sounded nice and the name may give others an image that we are friendly and easy to work with.

Individual Update - Week 01

We are to form a group for CPD for week 1 and I teamed up with Yong Xiang and Zheng Xiang. For the first week, I went back and thought of some ideas for our CPD project and our team name. I came up with four ideas.  They are, a smart alarm clock, an educational text based rpg, a recipe app with built-in timers and an educational boardgame.